
CommandExecutor executor = new CommandExecutor();

Simple command

A "dir" command with "System.out" used as dump stream.

executor.exec("dir", System.out);

The output (on the console) is:

 Volume in drive C is Windows7_OS
 Volume Serial Number is 1CD2-4448

 Directory of C:\Work\Projects\jatoo-exec

07/28/2014  03:47 PM    <DIR>          .
07/28/2014  03:47 PM    <DIR>          ..
07/28/2014  10:17 AM             1,433 .classpath
07/28/2014  10:17 AM                 9 .gitignore
07/28/2014  10:17 AM               562 .project
07/28/2014  10:17 AM    <DIR>          .settings
07/28/2014  03:02 PM             2,186 pom.xml
07/28/2014  12:55 PM    <DIR>          src
07/28/2014  04:04 PM    <DIR>          target
               4 File(s)          4,190 bytes
               5 Dir(s)  270,382,510,080 bytes free

Simple command executed in specific folder

A "dir" command executed in a specific folder (working folder) and with "System.out" used as dump stream.

executor.exec("dir", new File("c:\\Users\\Public\\Pictures\\Sample Pictures"), System.out);

The output (on the console) is:

 Volume in drive C is Windows7_OS
 Volume Serial Number is 1CD2-4448

 Directory of c:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures

07/28/2014  04:12 PM    <DIR>          .
07/28/2014  04:12 PM    <DIR>          ..
07/14/2009  08:32 AM           879,394 Chrysanthemum.jpg
07/14/2009  08:32 AM           845,941 Desert.jpg
07/14/2009  08:32 AM           595,284 Hydrangeas.jpg
07/14/2009  08:32 AM           775,702 Jellyfish.jpg
07/14/2009  08:32 AM           780,831 Koala.jpg
07/14/2009  08:32 AM           561,276 Lighthouse.jpg
07/14/2009  08:32 AM           777,835 Penguins.jpg
07/14/2009  08:32 AM           620,888 Tulips.jpg
               9 File(s)      5,837,943 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  270,382,235,648 bytes free

Command with output redirected

A "dir" command executed in a specific folder (working folder) with the output redirected. A dump output stream is not used any more because in this case we know the command will dump everything to a file.

executor.exec("dir >> list.txt", new File("c:\\Users\\Public\\Pictures\\Sample Pictures"));

A file with the output of the command will be created:

c:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\list.txt